
.Net Developer

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  • Remote

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About Balwinder

A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones. 

Work Experience


.net Developer

  • January 2016 - February 2023 - 7 Year
  • India



Lender Application

  • September 2022 - February 2023 - 6 Months
Role & Responsibility
     Involved in Project Architecture, Functional Coding, Database Management, Server Setup and Project Management.
    Project Description    : This Project is developed for the use of money lenders to manage the Borrowers, Loans, Lawyers, Consultants, Loan Disbursement, Company Management, User Management and Multi-tenant
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Fleet VIMS

  • May 2022 - January 2023 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility
     Involved in Functional Coding and Database Management
    Project Description    : This Project is developed to manage the Vehicles, Clients, Agency,
    Drivers and Insurance Policy.
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Lender Application

  • October 2021 - August 2022 - 11 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Involved in Project Architecture,  Functional Coding, Database Management, Server Setup and Project Management.
    Project Description    : This Project is developed for the use of money lenders to manage the Borrowers,
     Loans, Lawyers, Consultants, Loan Disbursement, Loan Repayment and Legal Actions
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Muah Ecommerce

  • May 2021 - September 2021 - 5 Months
Role & Responsibility
     Involved in Project Architecture, Functional Coding, Database Management
    Project Description        : This Project is an Ecommerce Platform to sell the garments. Front      
     End of this project is developed using Angular 11 using Rest API’s. API are developed using .Net Core with MySql using Entity framework.
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Content Management System

  • November 2020 - April 2021 - 6 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Involved in Project Architecture, Team Management, Functional Coding
    Project Description        : This Project is a Content Management System developed using 
    Asp.Net MVC to manage the content of website. User is able to create   the page from Admin. 
     User is also able to add the Products with multiple packing.
    Menu, Gallery, Sliders, Social Media Sharing all are developed dynamically.
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Supply Chain Management System

  • January 2022 - February 2023 - 14 Months
Role & Responsibility
     Involved in Project Architecture, Team Management, Functional Coding
    Project Description: This Project is developed to manage the Supply of Products to 
    Multiple Vendors. Products are added in the system using Challan and out using Invoice. 
    Inventory of the Products are also managed.
     Multiple reports are developed using Microsoft Reporting tool

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Industry Expertise



in Master of Computer Applicationr

Punjab University
  • June 2006 - June 2008

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