
Java Developer

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A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones. 

Tech Stack Expertise

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    2 Years
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    0 Years
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    Repository Tools


    1 Years

Work Experience


Java Developer

  • January 2017 - July 2023 - 6 Year
  • India



Ecommerce Portal Web App

  • August 2022 - June 2023 - 11 Months
Role & Responsibility
    IaminvolvedinwritingbusinesslogicforRestControllers,databaseconnectivityand testing api’s using postman tool. Deployment of application. Solvingissuesoccurredduringappdeployment. This application is ecommerce portal which we have developed. This is web app and used spring boot as backend framework. I am involved in developing logic for Shop, add to cart, product, profile, login, signup, like webpages.  MVC architecture is followed while development of application. I am involved in deployment of application at little extent. 
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Student Portal Web App

  • April 2021 - May 2022 - 14 Months
Role & Responsibility
    IwasinvolvedinWritingBusinesslogicbyusingSpringBoot,FrontEndlogicbyusingAngular.MoreInvolvementinProducerApplication. This application is meant for helping students. Students can create their profile, upload photos Students can see latest events, upload events photos. Admin role is to add student and create login id and password for every student by using which student can make login. This application is web app and developed in spring boot as back end. I was involved in creating api’s, testing api’s by using postman tool. We have used Junit tool to test the business methods. 
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Key Aggregation Searchable Encryption Web App

  • September 2020 - May 2021 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility
    IwasinvolvedinWritingBusinesslogicbyusing JEEServlets&JDBC,FrontendlogicbyusingHtml,CSS,JSP.CreatingtablesinOracledatabase.TestingApplicationmanually. This application is used to stop privacy leakages. Application consists of admin and user’s sections. Data uploaded by users will be first encrypted by used algorithms and then only data will be uploaded. To decrypt and download the uploaded contents users need aggregate keys. I was involved in writing business logic whereI implemented encryption algorithms. This app is web app and has been developed by using JEE technologies. Front part has developed in HTML, CSS,  JavaScript.. MySQL database has used to store the data. I was involved in writing Jdbc logic as well like performing SCUDoperations on MySQL database. MVC architecture has followed while development of this application. Used Junit to write test cases for the business methods.
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Baby Care Application Web App

  • October 2019 - September 2020 - 12 Months
Role & Responsibility
    IwasinvolvedinWritingBusinesslogicbyusingJEEServlets&JDBC,FrontendlogicbyusingHtml,CSS,JSP.CreatingtablesinMySQLdatabase.FrontenddesigningviaHtml,CSS,JSand backend developmentviapureJavaJEE. This application is used to provide baby care facilities for mothers. It involves mothers section and separate admin section. Mothers would use the app for knowing proper baby care activities. This web apps fron end has developed in html cssjavascript technologies and back end has developed in servlet, jdbc technologies. MVC architecture is followed while development of the application. Application has tested by sing Junit test cases and for deployment’s sake used tomcat server.
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Industry Expertise



Computer Science & Engineering in B.E

Maharashtra University
  • June 2013 - June 2016

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